How To Flag Us About a Potential Incorrect Student Status

How To Flag Us About a Potential Incorrect Student Status

How To Flag Us About a Potential Incorrect Student Status

At Emerge Career, everything we do is aimed at helping our students obtain the training they need for a healthy, in-demand career. While training and outcomes are important, we also realize that creating a transparent and enjoyable experience is something that we feel everyone is entitled to. 

We’ve built our application process to reflect both the qualifications of our funding & employment partners in such a way that allows students to get an eligibility decision very quickly. We do this so students don’t put in work & hope just to receive the news that their eligibility has not been approved. We classify this status as rejected. 

Our application process & student experience is always being reviewed & tweaked as we strive to improve each and every day. However, there are times where we’ve gotten it wrong. Thankfully, to our referral partners and/or students we are able to review the student’s account manually and give an opportunity to reverse the decision. 

How To Flag Emerge Career About a Potential Incorrect Status

  1. Please email us at
  2. In the email, please specify the student’s account via First Name, Last Name, Email, or Phone Number. Having all 4 points of information allows us to find the student’s account faster. 
  3. Please explain the status you’re requesting to be reviewed and why you think it’s incorrect. 

An Emerge Career team member will review your request and be able to give you the reason and as to how to proceed if there is a possibility for a way forward. 

Students can always email us at as well. 

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